Empower Your Children with a Plan for Life

Before your children go out in the world on their own, think about how well they can deal with everyday risks – from crossing the road, getting on public transport, and interaction with the general public. 
Make sure they are happy to venture out alone and set any boundaries you have, be very clear about where you don’t want them to go and why. 
Do a trial run of their journey together and let them take the lead, see how they cope. Show them that they can be trusted, but in return they need to show you they can be trusted too.

Ask yourself the following:

  • Where and when do they want to go?
  • What do they want to do there?
  • Who’s going to be with them?
  • What transport will they be using?
  • How far away are they going?
  • What time will they be back?
  • How can I reach them? 

People still talk about ‘stranger danger’ – this is a government awareness campaign which began in 1971. 
Nowadays we need children to be more aware of dangers in general, and not just strangers. They need to be aware of the people around them, the surroundings they are in and people’s behavior. We call this Early Threat Recognition

Teach Them The Skills They Need To Stay Safe!

It’s a common thing that we tell our children to ‘do as adults say’, However this shouldn’t be the case as it’s very contradicting to the ‘stranger danger’ talk. 
Eg If a adult (stranger) approaches your child and tells them “Your mom has asked me to pick you up, come with me, my car is just over here” 
Your child will now be in two minds and confused about what to do. They know they shouldn’t talk to strangers but they have also been taught to ‘do as you are told’. This is a very bad situation for your child to be in!!! They need to know the boundaries, they need to know that it is ok to say no to an adult. They need to be given the GREEN LIGHT for when they can and should say no.

Teach your child that an adult should never ask them for help, directions, to walk with them or to get in a car. 
Children need to be told to trust their instincts! 
Our C.O.B.R.A. Child Abduction Prevention Workshop teaches children as young as 5 years old all the above skills. 

How to recognize good and bad strangers, the do’s, dont’s and why’s. How and why to say no to strangers.

We teach them verbal and visual techniques as well as very simple self defense that is effective against adults.

C.A.P is a world wide Workshop that is exclusive to C.O.B.R.A. Defense Systems. We are on a mission to train as many children possible with our knowledge and skills to keep them safe. Skills that can help protect them, not just in childhood but throughout adulthood too. 


Both children and adults love the interaction and fun elements bought to their family while learning theses life saving skills.