Five Personal Security Resolutions for the New Year

Creating New Year’s resolutions for improving your personal security doesn’t have to be daunting or difficult. Here are a few simple yet effective things you can do this year to improve your personal safety.

1. 🚶🏽 Walk With Purpose – In self-defense, how you walk matters. Several studies have shown that predators often choose victims based on their stride and gait rather than size or gender. Walking confidently, with shoulders back, head up, and arms swinging naturally at your side sends a message that you are not an easy target. Plus, research has shown that walking faster is linked to a longer lifespan!

2. 🔒 Lock It Up – Ensure that you protect your most valuable asset… YOU. If you are in your vehicle, make sure all the doors are locked. Especially in parking lots and at gas stations. Keep your doors locked at home as well. Locks are not a fail-safe, but they’re a strong deterrent if you use them consistently.

3. 🎧 Listen To Your Instincts – Human instincts are hardwired responses that have evolved over time to help us survive. These “gut feelings” draw conclusions based on patterns, experiences and clues that may not be immediately apparent to your conscious mind. Whether it’s changing your route, avoiding a person or situation, or preparing for a potential threat, listening to your instincts can help you stay one step ahead.

4. ⚠️ Limit Sharing Personal Information – In the digital age, sharing details about your location, travel plans or daily routines can put you at risk. Don’t give a scammer or cyber-criminal an inside track to exploiting you or your family, and don’t publicly post this information or share it with anyone but essential, trusted contacts.

5. 🚨 Plan For Potential Crisis –Having a general action plan for different threat scenarios can significantly improve your ability to respond effectively. Having a hard copy of the important items in your purse or wallet allows you to easily respond if they are stolen. Maintain a written list of emergency contacts, including family members, friends, and relevant authorities. At home, work, and public spaces identify exits, emergency services, and safe areas in advance. Tailor your plans to your specific circumstances and involve your family or household members in the preparation process.

By adding just a few simple tools to your self-defense arsenal, you can have a significant impact on your overall safety and personal security. Acquiring basic self-defense skills can boost your confidence and empower you to protect yourself in threatening situations.