No One Has “Strong” Eyes

“Look in the eyes, always look in the eyes” as famously told to Daniel-san, the karate kid, by his instructor Mr. Miyagi 👀
An important lesson not only about being respectful, but also about the importance of eyes.
Your eyes are important in self-defense for seeing your surroundings, looking for escape routes and noticing distinguishing characteristics on an attacker. But while the eyes can be useful, they can NOT be strong, so they become a great target 💪
The strongest person you know may have big muscles, but not even Arnold Schwarzenegger can build strong eyes. So, GO FOR THE EYES!
You have probably at some point been incapacitated by something that got into your eye, accidentally poked it, or even grazed it. You are left blinking and miserable. Imagine the disturbance you would have if someone were to jab a finger deep into your eye socket as if to pluck it out. Disturbing image, admittedly, but in trade for saving your life, it is most certainly worth considering.
Eyes attacks can immediately disable the attacker and help shift the balance in your favour, hopefully presenting you with an opportunity to escape without harm.
Here’s a few ways you can do it. Some are obvious, one even rather grotesque, but they do work:
👉SCRATCH: We all know how to scratch. Go wildcat on the attacker! Many ladies have long nails as a bonus, so scratch viciously at their face into their eyes.
👉STRIKE: Hit the eyes with whatever you got – your fist, your palm, your mini-umbrella, whatever you have that can intensify the impact. Hit hard, hit fast!
👉POKE: Yep. Poke ‘em with a finger, a bunch of loose fingers, a stiff jab of your four longest fingers, or the ever popular two finger “3 Stooges” style.
👉GOUGE: This is the worst, but really effective. Get your thumb positioned right on top of their eye and press in hard! If you’ve seen enough action movies you’ll recognize that done over-zealously, this can be lethal.
In all these cases you may get one eye or both, might use one hand or both. Maybe you actually hurt and damage an eye, perhaps just painfully graze it. Doesn’t really matter, just do it with speed and aggression. Think PAIN! Think DAMAGE! Think “I’m getting out of this situation! I’m going home tonight!”
If this is fight you are forced to fight, fight with everything you’ve got. You are fighting for your life and you have every right to give it 100 percent to get home safely ✌️