The 5 D’s of Home Defense Planning

Summer is here! It’s the time of the year where many of us will be on vacation and generally spending more time out of the house and away from home. Is your house a target for criminals looking for an opportunity? It’s bad enough for something to happen when you’re not at home – it’s even worse if you are! Take time to review the 5 D’s of Home Defense Planning and give our blogs on securing your home a read. Stay safe and stay free!

Deter: The first step is to not make your house the easiest target on your street. Trim those shrubs, illuminate the exterior, put up a bogus ADT sign. Whatever you gotta do.

Detect: If someone decides to give your house a go, you need TIME. A few SECONDS can make all the difference between success and failure. Having a motion-sensing security camera system and/or dogs are great assets.

Deny: Bad guy at your door or window? Bad news. Are those doors and windows LOCKED? You’d be shocked how many people don’t even take advantage of the basic tools that come with every home. You can step up your game here by installing additional locks or covering your most vulnerable windows with 3M film to prevent someone from simply breaking your glass to gain entry or unlock your doors.

Delay: So the guy is pretty determined and is now trying to kick in your door. Did you know most door hinges are mounted with tiny baby screws? Replace those bad boys with some 3 inch or longer wood screws to turn that two-kick entry into a 10+ kick exhausting project for Mr. Bad Guy. Again, you need TIME on your side to call authorities and put your defense plan into action. Every second matters.

Defend: At the end of the day, if you’re called upon to take care of business, you need the tools and TRAINING to do so. Don’t ignore or shortcut either.

What home defense tips have you implemented? Which of the 5 D’s do they fall under?