Self-Defense Is Not Just Physical

It is widely known in the self-defense community that 90% of violent encounters can be avoided by confident body language, situational awareness or positive action to avoid or run away from incidents.
A further 5%+ would be circumvented by clever conflict management, deescalation or by a simple apology. That leaves a small single-digit percentage where actual physical defenses would need to be used.
Many self-defense educational institutions will focus more exclusively on the single-digit threat and forego the training required for 95% of what self defense is.

Apart from creating a gap in knowledge that makes up the first lines of self defense, it can also create the psychological phenomenon known as ‘The Law of the Instrument’ or ‘Maslow’s Hammer’. Simply, this is when you tend to always revert to the thing you’re best at; in this case; physical counter-violence. It may not be the best option legally, medically, psychologically or socially in the longer term.

That’s why COBRA courses – for both children and adults – focuses on far more than physical techniques. Yes, absolutely, we spend time training physical techniques and tactics used for in-fight. But we spend equal time training conflict management and de-escalation psychology. We also encourage you to have some degree of speed and cardiovascular stamina to run fast over short to medium distances. It’s all about covering a rounded set of self defense skills.

I can help you and your family gain this essential skill-set with personal instruction in the convenience of your home.

Contact me today for a FREE Power Class!