Protection Promise


This is possibly the quickest and easiest safety and self defense strategy you can employ with youngsters right now!

Simply take a moment out of your day to reiterate a protection promise.We suggest that, at least once a year, say to every child in your care: “You are very important to me, and if you have a safety problem, I want to know. Even if I seem too busy, even if somebody we care about would be upset, even if you made a mistake and did something wrong, even if you promised not to tell, please tell me and I will do everything in my power to help you.”

Women and children are more likely to be attacked by a known friend, family member or acquaintance than by a stranger. Defending yourself against someone you know can be harder than throwing a punch at a stranger in a dark alley!

Be sure your children know you are there for them, at all times, no matter what. You might think they already know that. Great! But it can never hurt to make sure, and it’s always nice to hear that someone cares and will support you, no matter how old or young you are

Share this protection promise script with your friends today!