Lock & Leave

Think you could defend yourself if you were ever attacked? Just because you might be able to handle the toughest of workout classes doesn’t necessarily mean you know how to protect yourself. But you absolutely should.
While it’s easy to think about obvious situations where you might be attacked, there are those that aren’t so obvious, namely when you’re in your car. Women have a tendency to get into their car and sit while they check messages—a habit that can actually spell trouble.
Predators target parking lots and cars to plan their attacks. Avoid being their next victim with these simple tips:

👉 Have your keys in your hand before you leave the building
👉 Wait until you are close to your car to unlock it.
👉 If you unlock it from across the parking lot, someone can easily hop in and hide without you noticing
👉 If a van is parked on the driver’s side of your car, get in on the passenger’s side
👉 Once you’re in the car, lock the doors and start driving. Sitting in your car too long gives predators the opportunity to make their move
It’s as simple as lock and leave. Because self defense actually starts before needing to react to the worst case scenario. It may not be as impressive as fancy kicks, but the best self defense is basic awareness and preventive strategies.
Share this post to help the ladies in your life learn to lock and leave!
Stay safe 👊