Safety Tips from a Serial Killer



When it comes to safety and personal security, why aren’t we asking the very people who victimize and terrorize us HOW to avoid becoming a target?

What if we turn to Killers as Safety Consultants?

You don’t have to look far to find The Making of a Serial Killer: The Real Story of the Gainesville Murders in the Killer’s Own Words. Apparently following his confession and conviction of five death sentences for the heinous assault and murder of 5 Florida students, Danny Rolling fell in love with a ‘serial killer groupie’ named Sondra London. Being a motivated groupie, Sondra instigated writing a book together.

Lucky for us, when he wasn’t busy being a perfectly normal looking gruesome killer, Rolling was clearly aware of the things that took an individual OFF of his target list.  PAY ATTENTION!

(Rolling during trial)

Tips are reprinted exactly as he presented them in his book:

  1. Park your car in the light.
  2. Buy yourself a .38-caliber revolver. Get a permit to carry it on your person, and put it in your handbag, where it’s easy to get to.
  3. Buy some mace on a key chain and have it ready when you get out of your car.
  4. If your bedroom window doesn’t have a screen, get one and nail it to the windowsill.
  5. Place a bunch of empty glass bottles in the windows.
  6. Get you some curtains.
  7. Buy a dead-bolt and put it on your bedroom door so you can lock yourself in.
  8. Sleep with your .38-caliber revolver under your pillow. It won’t go off by accident.
  9. If someone bothers you, don’t ever let an attacker get control. Fight for your life. Scream as loud as you can! Spray mace in his face. Kick him in the balls. Scratch at his eyes.
  10. Pull your .38 caliber and blow him away!

Whether you are a gun advocate or not, there is something here FOR EVERYONE.  BYOB = BE Your Own Bodyguard.    I could line up 500 “security experts” who would all say these same 10 things.  I could write 20 pages breaking down the specifics of Situational Awareness and Personal Safety.  I could spell it out for you, and wow you with info-graphics, statistics, and gadgets.

Instead, I’m going to ask you one question: Are you ready to take the initiative and build a safer lifestyle?   If you answered Yes, BOOK YOUR CO  and DO the work! You will experience solid skills, and straightforward teaching. Anyone can do this.