Empowering Your Kids: The Art of Identifying Safe Strangers

Kids can find it hard to tell if someone they meet is safe or not. Just looking at a person won’t tell you if they are good or bad. Sometimes, bad people look normal and act friendly to trick you.
So, forget about judging strangers by how they look. It’s better to judge them by what they do. Here are some things to teach your children to figure out if a stranger is safe:
Watch for Signs:
* If a stranger asks you to do something your parents wouldn’t like, be careful.
* If a stranger wants you to go somewhere with them without talking to your parents first, it’s not okay.
* If a stranger gives you something without asking your parents, be cautious.
* If a stranger tries to make you do something you don’t want to do, they are not safe.
Now, what should your child do if they meet someone who doesn’t seem safe? Is it okay to be rude? Yes! Tell your child that if they feel uncomfortable, they should not be afraid to make a scene.
Teach your child to yell, scream, kick, or do whatever they can to get someone’s attention. The person who comes to help them is likely to be a safe stranger who can protect them.