What Is Your Plan When The Unthinkable Happens?


It is widely recognized that active shooter situations are incredibly dangerous and can result in multiple casualties if not handled correctly. Training and preparation are critical in these situations as they can help individuals understand what to do and how to respond quickly and effectively.
Many organizations and institutions, such as schools, universities, and workplaces, conduct active shooter training to prepare their staff and students to respond appropriately in the event of an active shooter situation. This training typically covers topics such as identifying warning signs, knowing what to do if a shooting occurs, and how to evacuate or shelter in place.
Studies have shown that individuals who receive active shooter training are more likely to respond quickly and effectively in a real-world active shooter situation, potentially reducing the number of casualties. Therefore, it is important for organizations to provide active shooter training to their staff and students, and for individuals to take this training seriously and prepare themselves mentally for this type of event.